Welcome to the Calvary Chapel Philippines Update blog. This blog has been created to be a central point of contact for the worldwide Calvary Chapel community and anyone else interested in learning about relief efforts in the central Philippines devastated by Super-Typhoon Haiyan. The blog will be updated frequently with information about Calvary Chapel supported relief teams and other news related to the typhoon recovery. Check back often for more updates.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Updated Projects and Completion Status

Location / Ministry
Projected Cost of Completion
Current Percentage Complete
Laliwegan Church

Hernani Church

Bible School Kitchen/Dining and Pastor’s Housing

Hernani Children’s Church / Community Center
Feeding Center - Clean Water Station

Pastor Jerom’s Parents House

Church Plant in San Julian & Children’s Ministry

Down Payment for property
Mayors Staff Kitchen Equipment
Rebuilding Homes in Hernani -  One Temporary
300 Families Effected
5 Completed
Rebuilding Homes in Hernani -  One Permanent
300 Families Effected
2 Completed
Ongoing Feeding Ministry (Cost listed is Weekly)
Water Filtration Station
Building for Cemetery (Chapel & Grounds Keeper)
Jeepney (Transporting Vehicle)
Fuel (Cost listed is Weekly)
Police Kitchen Equipment

You can give to one of the projects listed above or to the general fund for the Philippines Relief by going to info@uturnforchrist.com and your donation will go directly to the people most affected by the Typhoon, and your donation is absolutely tax deductable, with receipts available upon your request.


Most people in the affected area speak English so we would like to have some good Study Bibles going over with every team that comes. We will start with the leaders in the churches having theirs replaced and then work our way through the rest of the church, and on to those just coming to the Lord. Contact Word for Today for case price of Pastor Chuck’s Study Bibles.

Church Furniture

Chairs for church (each)                      =$  12.50
Speakers                                                   =$250.00
Microphone                                             =$  50.00
Drum Set                                                  =$500.00
Two Guitars                                             =$600.00
Children’s Materials                              = $175.00
Children’s Felt Stories                          =$275.00
Children’s White Boards                      =$50.00

Building Material List

One Truck of Block                            = $1,500.00
One Truck of Sand                            = $250.00
One Truck of Gravel                          = $250.00
Fifteen bags of Cement                    = $150.00

Twenty pieces of #12 rebar          =$160.00
Twenty pieces of #10 rebar          =$110.00
Bundle of tie wire                             =$  25.00
Bundle of hacksaw blades             =$  15.00
Twenty 2x3x16                                 =$175.00
Twenty 2x4x16                                 =$220.00
Twenty 2x6x16                                 =$300.00

Twenty plywood                               =$325.00
Five pounds of nails                         =$ 15.00
Five pounds of roof nails                =$ 20.00

Feeding Ministry

50 lbs of Rice                                     =$50.00
50 lbs of Noodles                              =$75.00
Spices/Flavor                                     =$10.00
Natural Gas Tank (Cooking)          =$60.00

Generator Fuel for Week               =$150.00

Let us just say thank you ahead of time to those that God will call to help, as we see Him open doors for much ministry, in the midst of the destruction of this Typhoon.
Please encourage your teams to be in contact with Pastor Erin a few days prior to leaving, for a last minute check of special needs that can be taken and then hand delivered as progress of these projects continues.
Thanks guys for your help, looking forward to seeing what God is going to do.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Blessing upon Blessing

Blessed with a new cement mixer

Now teams no longer have to mix cement by hand
Typical construction in the Philippines is done with hand tools.  Mixing cement for instance is done with shovels.  The Lord has provided the ministry with a new cement mixer.  This is a tremendous blessing since it allows the rebuilding projects to be completed faster and the final cement is a better mix. 

Getting ready to pour forms at Bible School
New "2nd hand" vehicle

Now cement work will be done quickly and efficiently.  The Bible School needs their kitchen to be rebuilt and pastor housing constructed. 

Donated vehicle is a blessing to move teams back and forth across the island and to the ministry sites. We are really excited about this. It has been hard with our beat up vehicles until now. Thanks to all those that are supporting this work.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Calvary Chapel / U-Turn for Christ Hernani Floor-to-Ceiling

The completed floor at CC / U-Turn Hernani.
 Rebuilding the church at Hernani continues with local workers and relief teams working toward the day when the body of Christ can once again worship together in His sanctuary.  The cement floor has now been completed and work is continuing on the final touches to the lower parts of the building.

Meanwhile, the first rafters have gone up for the roof, and before long God's people in Hernani will be able to shelter against the sun and rain.

Praise God for His provision of materials and workers to restore this  church building.
The rafters going up for the roof at the Hernani church.

Keep the relief teams and local workers in prayer as they continue this work.  Also keep Pastor Jerome in prayer along with the entire body at Hernani.  There is still much to be done and the work is all for the glory of God!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Growing in the Spirit!

CC Lalawigan's sanctuary packed out for a Wednesday service.
As rebuilding work continues all throughout Samar, it is an encouraging blessing to see the body of Christ grow in numbers and in faith.  In His mercy, God has used this terrible storm to draw many to Himself, and to strengthen the churches of Samar.  In this update we see several examples of God's grace as His people assemble.  The sanctuary at CC Lalawigan where the roof has been completely rebuilt was full to overflowing for a Wednesday evening service. 

Another sign of spiritual growth is the new church plant in San Julian.
Mark Pentor is ordained for the work at San Julian where he will serve as pastor for the new church plant there.
Pastors Gerry and Mark close the deal for land for CC San Julian
Calvary Chapel San Julian was born out of the relief effort as Pastor Gerry and the team received a request to come do a Bible Study there.  The one-time Bible study gave birth to a weekly Bible study which gave birth to a brand new church plant there.  Now there is land for the new church as well as a brand new pastor.  Keep the new work in San Julian and Pastor Mark in prayer!

The churches continue to grow throughout the region as more and more people see the love of Christ manifested in the teams serving there. Teams continue to minister through physical service as well as bringing the word of God. 
Pastor Kyle Curry from Reliance Church teaches at Lalawigan.

The Lalawigan youth digging into the Word.

There is still much work to be done to rebuild homes, churches and public facilities.  Teams continue to arrive for the ongoing recovery work, including not just stateside teams, but even teams from our missionary churches around the world. 
Pastor Pete and his team from CC Macau, China
Please continue to pray for more teams and more resources for the people of Samar.  Now is the time, months after the typhoon that people begin to lose their focus on the recovery efforts.  Lift up the local pastors and churches that they will embrace this opportunity to minister the love of Christ and the mercy and grace of God.  And prayerfully consider joining or leading a team of your own!