Welcome to the Calvary Chapel Philippines Update blog. This blog has been created to be a central point of contact for the worldwide Calvary Chapel community and anyone else interested in learning about relief efforts in the central Philippines devastated by Super-Typhoon Haiyan. The blog will be updated frequently with information about Calvary Chapel supported relief teams and other news related to the typhoon recovery. Check back often for more updates.

Friday, August 29, 2014

All the Hardwork Beginning to Payoff

Some of the guys are still with us on rebuilding the Bible College and the continue to work on the San Julian Church.  Here is an update from those continuing this project through completion.

We are excited about the progress.  We are getting much closer to having this part of the ministry back up and running full strength.  It has been a little difficult with the make shift kitchen and dining area, as well as pastor quarters that you see here. But it is getting much closer to being finished.

The church project continues as well in San Julian.

It is actually a split level church and then the back side will be the pastor’s housing.
Looks like we are going to have the pastor’s housing done first and continue the Bible study in it until the church can be completed.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Building God's House Brick by Brick

As you can see the church in San Julian and house are coming along.  Going forward brick by brick.  Although, the rainy season is making it difficult at times.  For example, we need to be careful how we buy sand and gravel.  If they deliver it to the road at the work site, and there is a downpour, we lose all materials for the work.

The Bible college is a little less difficult because we are in the classroom and live there.

This is a good group of kids.  Working hard and not complaining.  Also when given written assignments, they are diligent complete it.  Alex( from the ranch) fits in well.  He is also a good kid.
Progress comes slowly but surely during raining season

Digging for footings
Building starting to take shape

Working diligently for the Lord's house

Materials for the project